EHA Announces New Schedule for Setting 2013-2014 Premium Rates

EHA Announces New Schedule for Setting 2013-2014 Premium Rates

The Educators Health Alliance Board of Directors at their August 2012 meeting decided to change the timing for the setting and release of renewal premium rates for the 2013-2014 plan year, starting September 1, 2013.

The EHA will provide the 2013-2014 premium rates and benefit information to EHA participants on approximately November 1, 2012.  The change is being made to accommodate the new labor negotiation timetable set by the State of Nebraska.  This will enable EHA subgroups and local employee associations to have certain information regarding the cost of health insurance during the 2013-2014 bargaining period.

The EHA will be working with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) in September and October to determine the 2013-2014 renewal provisions.

If you have any questions, please contact your BCBSNE Regional Representative or the EHA Plan Advocate.
Beth Kernes-Krause
EHA Board of Directors Chair
Kurt Genrich                   Sue Warner                    Tara Stevensen
EHA Plan Advocate        North Region Rep.          South Region Rep.
402-217-2042                 402-697-9983                  402-982-8859